About Us
Our Congregation
We are a group of men, women and children united by our commitment to Jesus Christ and by our desire to see His Kingdom grow.
Our relationship with the LORD
Our desire is to become a worshipping community, filled with the Holy Spirit of God. So we commit ourselves afresh to the Living God made known to us in Jesus Christ, and to growing in our knowledge of Him through the Bible, through prayer, through public worship and private devotions.
Our relationship with one another
We commit ourselves to working at our relationships with each other within the fellowship of the church. We acknowledge that Christians may not always agree with each other but Christ has commanded us 'to love one another'. By His grace we will obey his command.
Our relationship with the world
We are called to live in a way that challenges the life of the world. We seek God's forgiveness for the times when that distinctiveness has been lost, and commit ourselves to bringing the Good News of Jesus to our community through evangelism and service.
Membership Vows
Our love for God is expressed in WORSHIP
Our love for one another in FELLOWSHIP
Our love for the world around in MISSION
Membership vows approved by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland reflect these same emphases:
I believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and I confess Jesus Christ as my Saviour and LORD.
I promise to join regularly with my fellow Christians in worship on the LORD's Day.
I promise to be faithful in reading the bible, and in prayer.
I promise to give a fitting proportion of my time, talents and money for the Church's work in the world. *
I promise, depending on the grace of God, to profess publicly my loyalty to Jesus Christ, to serve Him in my daily work and to walk in His ways all the days of my life.
*Offerings can be given by Standing Order, and by completing a Gift Aid form taxpayers contributions are increased by 28%. Weekly Free Will Offering envelopes are also available on request.