Focus Groups
Our Focus groups are small groups of about 5-8 people who get together to read and study the Bible together, and also to get to know each other and support each other.
Focus groups are for all members and friends of the congregation. You don’t have to be special, or wait to be invited. More information is available from our church office, or speak to someone you know is already involved, or if you come along to a service, ask to speak with our Focus Group Coordinator, Martin Russell.
To take part in a focus group, you don’t need to know a lot about the Bible, you don’t have to have been a Christian for a long time, and you might not even be sure that you are a Christian. All you need is a willingness to learn together with others, to be open to God, and have an interest in taking His Word seriously.
Some of our Focus Groups meet all year round. Some just meet when, as a congregation, we are working through a particular series/theme in the morning services, and then questions for using in our Bible studies are provided for us. Usually we have three focus group series each year, with six studies each. Some groups meet every week during a series, some fortnightly, and some less regularly – just when it suits the members to meet. Some meet during the day, some in the evening. Some are in people’s homes, some meet in the church building. There’s always a cuppa and biscuits/cake.
Come on – join in!