PASTORAL SUPPORT: If you are aware of anyone who is unwell or would appreciate the flowers, please leave their name in orange book on high table or leave message with Church Office. Thank you. Maureen Thomson, Pastoral Care Coordinator
CHRISTIAN BASICS: I’m planning to run a Christian Basics group – probably online – lasting 6 weeks or so. This would be suitable for anyone thinking about Church Membership or Baptism or just wanting a refresher on basic principles. Please get in touch if you’re interested. John Collard. 07762567813
FOCUS GROUPS: We will be beginning a new Focus Group series on Faithfulness on 16 Feb. Study material will be available on Sun, 2 Feb. Please contact the office if you’d like more details of where and when the Focus Groups meet.
KIRK SESSION: Next meeting is Tues, 11 Feb at 7.30pm with prayers at 6.45pm.
MIDWEEK FELLOWSHIP next meet on Thurs, 13 Feb at 1.30pm – Bill Henderson.
INSET DAY APPEAL: We are looking for donations of cakes or traybakes please for Calderglen High School chaplaincy event on Wed, 19 Feb – ideally, I could pick them up at Café Clare on the 18th. Thank you. Bill Henderson
COFFEE MORNING: Sat, 22 Feb (10am-12 noon) in aid of Ukrainian Children’s Home. Donations of home baking and raffle prizes would be greatly appreciated. Tickets £2. Margaret Robb
THE LEPROSY MISSION has sent us some prayer diaries. They are on the table in the vestibule. Please feel free to take one.
CHURCH FLOWERS: There are still a few vacancies for donors on the flower list, for this year. Please add your name/telephone number to the date of your choice.
Church Website: