

JOINT SERVICE:  Today our three congregations of Claremont, Mossneuk and South Parish, have the joy of worshipping together again. Please sit anywhere you like (there are no reserved seats!) and if there’s anything you’re unsure about, please ask one of the duty team.  If you’re sitting beside someone you don’t know, please take a moment or two to introduce yourself, so that we can worship as together as friends, not strangers.


‘How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! .. Yes that’s where God commands the blessing, ordains eternal life.’

Psalm 133 The Message. 


CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER MEETING immediately after this service – all welcome.


Sunday, 4 August is COMMUNION SUNDAY:  People watching on line might want to have their elements ready.


Flowers in the sanctuary today are provided by Josie and Bert Shanks.


PASTORAL SUPPORT: If you are aware of anyone who is unwell or would appreciate the flowers, please leave their name in orange book on high table or leave message with Church Office.  Thank you.   Maureen Thomson, Pastoral Care Coordinator.


FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS:  The funeral arrangements for Marylyn Ellerington are as follows:  Monday, 29 July 2024 at 15:00 in South Lanarkshire Crematorium.


Ekin:  Claremont has given great support to EKin over the past few months, for which a big thank you! If you would like to see some of EKin's news, click the link below to see our first newsletter. Scroll to the end of the newsletter to subscribe and receive newsletters regularly.


CLAREMONT FACEBOOK GROUPS INVITE FOR SOUTH PARISH CONGREGATION:  Claremont have two private Facebook groups, Claremont Message Board and Prayer group.  We would like to invite the congregation of South Parish to join these groups to share information and support each other in prayer.  (To access either group you'll need to have a Facebook profile.) 


To join, put in the search bar of the main Facebook page/app: 'Claremont message board' or 'prayer group' and hit search.  Once it comes up, tap or click the "request to join" button.  Depending on the time of day, it might take awhile for your request to be accepted.  Claremont message board has our logo as the profile picture and the Prayer Group has a landscape photo. If you need any help, please speak to Jenni McLaren.


KILBRYDE HOSPICE:  On 9 Aug, we are hosting a special Moana Movie Magic event at Calderwood Baptist Church aimed at children and families during the summer holidays, whilst raising essential funds for the hospice. This event will be a wonderful opportunity for children and young people to enjoy a fun-filled day, featuring a screening of the beloved Disney film "Moana," along with various activities and treats.


Event: Moana Movie Magic Date: 9 August Time: 11am – 3pm Location: Calderwood Baptist Church Ticket Information: £5 per child. £3 per adult, includes refreshments, sandwiches, movie screening, entertainment and more!


CAP PRAYER MEETING:  Our CAP prayer meeting for August will take place within Calderwood Baptist Church (Hunter House) and will be on the 6th between 9.30am and 10.30am. We continue to make progress with the work we are doing and remain busy over the summer period. Alan Wilkin (Christians Against Poverty)


CALDERGLEN HIGH SCHOOL:  We have stacks of unclaimed lost property (clothing) here that we are going to lay out in the foyer area at the front entrance of the school during the summer holidays (from 27 June).  Families are welcome to come and take a look and collect anything of use.