Flowers in the sanctuary today are provided by Rose Ralston.
PASTORAL SUPPORT: If you are aware of anyone who is unwell or would appreciate the flowers, please leave their name in orange book on high table or leave message with Church Office. Thank you. Maureen Thomson, Pastoral Care Coordinator
Thanks to all those who contributed to the offerings in November:
Standing orders - £11,894.66
Open Plate - £504.60
WFO - £210
Contactless - £206.31
LADIES CIRCLE CHRISTMAS LUNCH: Wed, 11 Dec at 1pm/John Wright Bowling Club.
GOOD COMPANIONS CHRISTMAS LUNCH: Thurs, 12 Dec. Come along for 1.15pm/seated at 1.30pm.
BEREAVEMENT SERVICE: We plan to hold a Bereavement Service on Sun, 15 Dec at 2pm. It will be open to anyone who feels loss or who feels lost, who feels overwhelmed by the season, and who might benefit from knowing that they are not alone in their troubles. If this applies to you, please do come along, or pass this invitation along to anyone you think might benefit.
PRAYER FOR OTHERS/READERS ROTA: Printed copies for 2025 are now available on noticeboard. If any date(s) allocated are not suitable for you, please arrange a swap with someone else on the list.
FLOWER ROTA for 2025 now available on noticeboard.
VOLUNTEER REQUIRED: We are still looking for a deputy to assist Win Baddon with hall lets access etc. Would anyone interested please speak to Win Baddon or David McLaren.
EK FOOD HAMPER APPEAL: This year’s appeal has been launched and donation item leaflets are available in the vestibule. The link for financial donations is ‘Hope this Christmas 2024 Stewardship’. Any donations very much appreciated. If you could help to prepare, pack or deliver hampers please leave your details on clipboard beside leaflets. Many thanks.
KILBRYDE HOSPICE: Light a Light service at Kilbryde Hospice on Thurs, 12 Dec at 4pm and 7pm. Both services are ticketed. More details on noticeboard.
GLASGOW PHOENIX CHOIR - The Glory of Christmas: Seasonal Music in Moncreiff Church on Sat, 14 Dec at 2.30pm. Tickets £6. More details on noticeboard.
CALDERGLEN HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTMAS RAFFLE: Tickets are available to support Calderglen by purchasing a raffle ticket. Tickets are £2 each or a book of 5 for £10. Many prizes from local businesses to be drawn on the 17 Dec. Tickets available from the Shanks Family!
BLACKLAW PRIMARY SCHOOL have a dress rehearsal of their Nativity Play in the school on the Tues,10 Dec at 11am with some residents from the local care home coming along. They serve tea/ coffee/mince pies etc too. Any groups or individuals from the church are welcome, there is no charge.
Sun, 15 Dec – Nativity Service at 10.30am, Bereavement service at 2pm
Sun, 22 Dec – Uniformed Organisations Service at 10.30am
Tues, 24 Dec – Christmas Eve Family Service at 6.30pm
Wed, 25 Dec – Christmas Morning Service at 10.30am