

Flowers in the sanctuary today are provided by Angus Main and family.


PASTORAL SUPPORT: If you are aware of anyone who is unwell or would appreciate the flowers, please leave their name in orange book on high table or leave message with Church Office.  Thank you.   Maureen Thomson, Pastoral Care Coordinator


FUNERAL:  We are sad to announce the death this week of Norma Heeps, Rosaburn House. Funeral service will be held in Claremont Parish Church on Wed, 30 Oct at 1pm and 2pm at South Lanarkshire Crematorium.


CPR Training:  A reminder that CPR Training will take place this Tuesday (22 Oct) at 7.30pm in the sanctuary.  Thank you for the great response.  Consequently all places are now allocated.  We will be arranging a further session for those who missed out this time round.


GOOD COMPANIONS COFFEE MORNING on Sat, 26 Oct, 10am-12 noon.  Tickets £2.  Donations of home baking/raffle prizes on the day would be gratefully received.  


MIDWEEK FELLOWSHIP:  Thurs, 24 Oct at 1.30pm – Bill Henderson


SUNDAY, 27 OCTOBER:  We look forward to welcoming Graeme McMeekin, Head of Tearfund Scotland to speak at our morning service.


CALDERGLEN HIGH SCHOOL invite you, members of the Community to their Remembrance Service on Fri, 8 Nov in school at 10.30/40am.  All will be made most welcome.  See Avril for more details.


UPDATE FROM EKIN:  Good news - some of the Bruce Hotel residents have now had Home Office interviews and decisions on their asylum claims. They are starting to move out of the hotel - and that means new men are moving in. The new guys arrive with very little and so we are once again looking for supplies of trainers and clothing, in sizes small, medium, large and XL, suitable for young men. For example: T shirts, joggers, jeans, hoodies, warm jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, sportswear, new underwear (trunks), rucksacks. Also suitcases or large holdalls (for people moving on).  If you can help, let me know (07703 168063). Thank you!  Anne Collard


CRAFT COFFEE MORNING:  On 23 November Hannah Shanks and I are holding a craft coffee morning to raise funds for the church roof.  We will need people to help with serving teas/coffees, some home baking and also some prizes for our tombola.  If anyone knows of any crafters who would like a table for this, it will cost £10 and to contact Jenni McLaren on If anyone can help on the day please see Hannah or Jenni after a service on Sundays or email Jenni in the above email address.  Thanks!


SAFEGUARDING TRAINING OCTOBER/NOVEMBER:  Please see below details of Safeguarding Training for Introductory and Advanced courses. Booking can be made using this forms link


Booking confirmation and joining details will be sent to participants one week before the training is due to take place. Please see Mary McKinlay for further information.


Sat, 26 Oct 10am  - Advanced – Airdrie Cairnlea

Wed, 6 Nov 7pm   - Introductory – Online

Tues, 19 Nov 7pm - Introductory – Motherwell South


FOCUS GROUPS resumed on Sun, 15 Sept, with a seven week series on the ‘Signs’ of John’s gospel.  The material is available to pick up at the church and on  our website.


SOUTH PARISH BIBLE STUDY: The regular Bible Study sessions meet every Wednesday at 7.00pm in the Primrose Room at Claremont – all welcome.

VOLUNTEERS:  We are looking volunteers to help at the Murray Hub, a SP outreach to the community, which will be held in St Mark's weekly on Tuesdays from 1-3pm.


KNITTING:  If anyone would like to help children at Mount Cameron Primary School with knitting, probably about 3-4pm, please speak to Bill Henderson.