Youth & Children

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Our vibrant youth ministry is designed to see young people discipled in their faith in the context of close and positive relationships with one another and with the leaders. The gospel message lies at the heart of all that we do with our young people. They face the twin dangers of believing that they can only be made right with God through being good (legalism) or alternatively that because they are forgiven how they behave doesn’t matter (liberalism). Our Youth programme seeks to help young people to follow the third path: made right with God through Jesus alone and now being changed by Him into a new creation (the gospel). 

Crossword Youth Club (S1-S6): is currently on a break

SOLID SU Group (S1-S6): Lunch time get together around biblical themes at Calderglen Highschool.

Youth Church on Sundays - see here 


Children are an important part of our church family, and as a community we want them to enjoy church and to discover and grow in their relationship with Him. We would be delighted to help you out with any enquiries you may have about our children’s work.

Noah's Ark Toddler Group: Meeting in the large hall 10am on Tuesdays, finishing at 11.30am in Primrose Room. This popular play group for babies and toddlers and their parents & carers was formerly called Hansel & Gretel Toddler group and has now resumed under the new name 'Noah's Ark' after lock-down. In order to reserve a place in the group, please contact our Young People's and Families' Ministry Co-ordinator, Mirjam Murphy. More information can be found on our facebookpage

Kids' Zone Youth Club (P3-P7): Meeting in the building Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm. Games, tuck shop, challenges... Come along and find out!

MineCraft Bible Club: Online Mondays 5pm-6pm. See more information on our MineCraft Club facebook page  New MineCrafters welcome to join!

Junior Church on Sundays - see here 

Message Bus with Crossword

Noah's Ark Toddler Group